
juillet 17, 2024

Labour to fast-track plans to grant 90,000 Rwandan assigned migrants asylum on day a small boat overturned in the channel killing one person
Daily Mail

Labour to fast-track plans to grant 90,000 Rwandan assigned migrants asylum on day a small boat overturned in the channel killing one person

A migrant has died after an overcrowded dinghy (file photo) sunk off Gravelines on France's northern coast on Wednesday evening. Seventy-one other people were rescued after the vessel deflated. Source link : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13645307/English-Channel-migrant-boat-SINKS-dead.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490 Author :
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Au Bangladesh, six morts dans de violentes manifestations étudiantes contre les quotas
Courrier International

Au Bangladesh, six morts dans de violentes manifestations étudiantes contre les quotas

Les protestations contre un système de quotas dans la fonction publique bangladaise, qui durent depuis des semaines, s’intensifient. Six personnes sont mortes mardi 16 juillet dans de violents affrontements. Source link : https://www.courrierinternational.com/article/au-bangladesh-six-morts-dans-de-violentes-manifestations-etudiantes-contre-les-quotas_220420 Author : Publish
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