Le président français a redit au premier ministre israélien que «l'engagement de la France pour la sécurité d'Israël est indéfectible» lors d’un appel, dimanche, destiné à dissiper le malaise installé ce week-end entre les deux
El monarca se ha reunido con su homólogo Abdalá II y ha visitado el colegio femenino del campo de refugiados de Baqa, gestionado por Naciones Unidas Leer Source link : https://www.elmundo.es/espana/2024/10/06/67025360fc6c83f51f8b4594.html Author : Marina Pina
‘Why does Elon Musk jump like a Roblox character LMAO’ Source link : https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/elon-musk-trump-rally-jump-memes-b2624770.html Author : Kaleigh Werner Publish date
Authorities braced for potential attacks on anniversary, as possibility also grows of retaliatory airstrike on IranMiddle East crisis – latest updatesIsrael will hold memorials for the first anniversary of the October 7 attacks on Monday
Gerade erst sind im Südosten der USA mehr als 200 Menschen durch Tropensturm "Helene" getötet worden. Nun steht die nächste Sturmgefahr bevor. Source link : https://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2024-10/usa-hurrikan-milton-hochstufung-florida-helene-zerstoerung-tote Author : ZEIT ONLINE: Zeitgeschehen - Christina Felschen Publish
Worshipers gathered on Sunday, many for the first time since the storm decimated their communities, “to cry and pray and process.” Source link : https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/06/us/north-carolina-churches-helene.html Author : Audra D. S. Burch, Emily Cochrane and Nicholas